Radway Readers Society

Radway Readers Society was formed in December of 2007, to fundraise for, and to promote, the Radway Library.  The society has been responsible for the very successful 'a.m. Coffee Corner' in the library, which, since there is no longer a nearby cafe, definitely fills a community need.  Funds from this enterprise have made the coffee corner self-sustaining since its inception. 

RRS's primary fundraiser is making perishke to sell at the annual Christmas Farmers Market on the last Friday in November, at the Radway Agricentre. This fundraiser, and the coffee corner, helps purchase items for the library and  'Radway Library' calendars, which are passed out to customers at the library each year.

The society is always looking for new members, so if you live in the area and you are interested in helping to preserve our library, call Morgan at 780-736-3850, or Sandra at 780-736-3548.